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Welcome to my free GIMP PDF tutorials download page.
I have carefully selected 5 of my 268 GIMP tutorials (Full List Click Here) that are suitable for beginners right through to advanced students. The 5 free GIMP PDFs download is 10 Megabytes and each PDF has all necessary start images.
5 FREE PDF GIMP Tutorials - Click Here To Download
Each PDF is step-by-step and include many helpful screen captures that visually help with the learning process.
Students are carefully guided through all my tutorials, and great results can quickly achieved whether you are a beginner or a more experienced GIMP students.
My 268 GIMP PDF Tutorials with start images and materials can be purchased here
Please click the yellow download button above to begin your free download.
Have fun - if I can help you in any way, you are welcome to contact me.
Best Wishes,
Wendi E. M. Scarth.